Professor of Philosophy of Law

Director of the PhD Program in Human Rights

Federal University of Goias, Brazil

Hi, I'm Heitor Pagliaro, a professor at the Federal University of Goias (UFG) in Brazil, where I am the Director of the PhD Program in Human Rights. My research focuses mainly on Political and Legal Philosophy, areas in which I teach, publish, and supervise postdocs, PhD, MA, and BA students. I completed my PhD in Philosophy of Law at the University of Brasília (Brazil), earned an MA in Ethics and Political Philosophy from UFG, and hold a BA in Law from UFG. As a licensed attorney in Brazil (OAB/GO 32.571) and Portugal (OA 67768L), I serve as the vice-president of the Human Rights Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association - Goias Chapter and a member of the Goias State Human Rights Council. If you are interested in any academic collaboration, please contact me.